Acne & Microdermabrasion Treatments in Redondo Beach
My commitment to you...
Acne clearing is a collaborative effort and I am committed to clearing your acne and the health and wellness of your skin. It's important that you are equally as committed. This is a foundation of a successful partnership.
All new acne clients must start with the Acne Consultation & Treatment
In-office treatments, check-ins and virtual check-in's are scheduledevery 2-3 weeks over a period of 3-4 months, so have your calendar ready!
Please send 2 pictures of your skin care products at least 3 days before your appointment. One picture will consist of your morning products including foundation and sunscreen. The other picture will have all you evening products. Please have all the labels facing forward so they are easy to read.
Home care products are not included in the cost of the consultation. Your initial set of products will include home care suited for your skin type and type of acne, and may range in price from $185-$295, depending on the type of acne. Products should last 2-4 months on average.
The consultation will conclude with a suggested personalized home care regimen.
Your first visit will include an in-depth skin analysis to determine your skin type and type of acne. We will review the aggravating factors that may be contributing to your breakouts, such as lifestyle and dietary choices, cosmetics, medications and current home care.
Adjustments to home care may be made on future visits, if needed.
Remember Acne is managed and not cured
Give it time and don't pick!
New Client Acne Consulation and Treatment
This through treatment will deep dive into all the factors listed above in your consultation to help determine the contributing factors of your acne. During this appointment you will receive a skin analysis, deep cleanse, exfoliation and extractions as needed. You may also receive high frequency and/or microdermabrasion. After the skin analysis and skincare treatment, we will discuss the home care regimen needed to aid in healing your acne. Please allow 1.75-2 hrs for the consult, facial and home care recomendations. $145
Acne Facial Treatment
Our Acne Facial Treatment helps improve skin health and reduce acne over a 90-minute session. With a deep cleanse, exfoliation, extractions, High Frequency, and LED therapy, this comprehensive approach targets acne while a hydrating or calming mask tailored to your skin's needs provides added benefits. For a shorter session without extractions and a mask, consider our 60-minute Acne Healing Treatment. Send a picture for further evaluation and guidance. 90 min./$130
Acne Healing Treatment Program
For established Acne clients only:
These results driven treatments are scheduled every 2-3 weeks over 3-4 months to get your acne under control. Treatments may include exfoliation, extractions, enzymes, chemical peels, high frequency, LED Light Therapy & microdermabrasion depending on what your skin needs on the day of your visit. 60 min/$115 Memberships available!